The Jiang Lab’s primary research interests lie in statistical modeling and method development in genetics and genomics, with application to data from large-scale cohort studies of human health and disease. We collaborate with biologists and clinicians to address statistical and computational challenges presented by new cutting-edge technologies and provide data-driven statistical methods to biomedical researchers for better data analysis and experimental design. Our particular focus is on profiling structural variants, assessing intratumor heterogeneity, interrogating transcriptional regulation, detecting circadian rhythmicity, and deciphering cellular heterogeneity by single-cell omics approaches. Our research is currently supported by R35 GM138342 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.

Email: yuchaojiang *at* tamu *dot* edu
Office: Blocker 459E, 3143 TAMU, College Station, 77843-3143
Phone: 979-845-3141
Official Pages: Statistics, Biology, Biomedical Engineering
Personal Pages: GitHub, Twitter/X, LinkedIn